Did you know that the average adult contracts two to three colds each year, and children can experience between five and eight colds a year? According to a recent study, This also claims that our bodies are far more vulnerable and prone to illnesses during the winter season. Meaning, that along with the cold and flu seasons and the various pandemics that the human race has to live through, it's all the more critical to look after one's immune system. Because let's face it, never has the old saying made more sense than these last few years of living through Covid - "Health is Wealth." Indeed it is. We know how dearly we have fought for our health and those of our loved ones lately. So, here's how you can ensure in simple ways to supply your body and the immune system with the proper fuel so that it can continue to fight and fend for you.
Read on to know more.
1) Red Peppers
Not very high on the list when we usually think of immune-boosting foods. However, it should be, and therefore it is right at the top of our list of foods. We are all well aware that colourful fruits and vegetables are a great way to strengthen the body, mind and overall immunity. And just for that, red peppers should be your go-to vegetable when it comes to looking after your immune system. They come packed with beta-carotene, which is known for promoting healthy eyes and skin.
What's more, it has twice the amount of vitamin C compared to an orange. Vitamin C has long been the silver bullet for fighting infection and providing the proper ammunition for our system. Therefore, if it's an afternoon snack, you are after. Or maybe a Netflix binge, simply dice up raw red peppers and have them with hummus or choose your favourite dip and start crunching! And see how your immune system will thank you for it.
2) Papaya
This super fruit does not get enough credit for bringing a host of goodness to our plates. Yes, it's loaded with vitamin C. But that's not all. The digestive enzyme found within this fruit - called papain, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, papaya has other vital nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and folate, which support the immune system and are great for overall well-being.
Tip: The next time you are having a lazy day and want to double the benefits of this magical fruit. Mashup a slice of papaya with a fork or use your fingers and apply a thin layer of it on your face as a mask. And while you eat the rest of the slices, let the mask dry. Wash it off once done and enjoy the glowing skin for the rest of the day. Make this into a twice-a-week habit and see how your skin turns supple and flawless! A happy immune system and skin are for keeps. And papaya could be your key to that treasure.
Of course, the list of immune-boosting foods is long, and you can choose from a variety of citrus fruits, seafood, dark chocolates, green tea and more. What's important is that you keep things simple and consistent and consume these foods regularly. What's more, no matter what you pick and put on your plate, you must buy it from a health food store of repute to ensure the quality of those items. The benefits of these foods depend a lot on how they were harvested, and buying them from a branded store can keep those worries and unnecessary toxins out of your way.
Foods for Life is one of the leading natural food stores in Toronto that offers health foods, vitamins and supplements at discount prices. We've been helping Canadians achieve their health supplement needs for over 40 years in our locally owned store! Send as your order for an in-store pick-up today!